Hey friends, welcome to my website!
I’ve made a few updates to the website recently, in particular I’ve refreshed the gear page of equipment I use while drum tracking for clients (some great new Coles 4038 Ribbon microphones added, plus a bunch of other cool drum gear), and also to my drum charts page which can be a handy resource for drummers needing last minute charts on a gig. 😎
While I still perform mainly at private events, I do have a lot of public shows coming up at local Vancouver venues like Frankies Jazz Club and at the Blue Frog out in White Rock. For the latest info please ‘like’ or follow my facebook page as I don’t use a calendar on this site for my performances.
Aside from singing and playing drums with various local artists, in some cool news for me I am working on a bunch of original music again and I plan to have some new releases this year. I’m really excited about this and look forward to sharing the results with you. 😀
thanks for stopping by, and please follow me on instagram or twitter if you use those sites! ❤️JoFo