Hey Friends. I added a few more drum charts, as I think most of the visitors I get here are coming for those, so I will try to update it more regularly! I wish I had time to chart everything I play, but I generally just do the songs I’m not so familiar with that I need to learn for gigs. I currently have 124 charts on the page, so lets see where I’m at by the end of year. Can I make it to 200? Let’s see 😄. I really appreciate the people who have donated (link is at the bottom of the drum charts page). Your kindness is much appreciated, and I do hope I am saving drummers some time.
I have a bunch of public gigs coming up in Vancouver during the summer and jazz festival season, so please like or follow my facebook page if you want to know about these. I don’t have a calendar here on the site unfortunately, but I do post on facebook when I have public shows. You can always catch me at the Pat’s Pub vocal jam the last Monday of each month too.
I am still practicing as much as I can, both drumming and singing, and I hope to release some new music to the world soon. Please follow my instagram or youtube if you are interested in this. 😎
Big Love to Y’all